Download Eclipse Luna For Mac

  1. Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 Download
  2. Download Eclipse Luna For Mac Os
  3. Download Eclipse Luna For Mac Download
  1. Not working on Eclipse Oxygen 2 - 4.7.2 with java 8 on Mac Siera 10.12.6. The plugin installs, but could not see the 'open workspace' option in the list of File menu. Badge is not working on mac os 10.13.1 + Eclipse 4.7.1a.
  2. Unable to Launch Eclipse after download and setup: 'The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.' RESOLVED: 406246: zip compression error: RESOLVED: 468598: Mars RC1 Mac packages are damaged: RESOLVED: 535504: Open file feature broken in Photon RC2 EPP packages: RESOLVED: 474204: Include Buildship as part.

Package Description

Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn, EGit and others.

Go to the download folder, you would find a file named “eclipse-java-mars-2-macosx-cocoa-x8664.tar” (the file name may be different based on the version you download but it should be a tar file starting with word eclipse).

This package includes:

  • Data Tools Platform
  • Eclipse Git Team Provider
  • Eclipse Java Development Tools
  • Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
  • JavaScript Development Tools
  • Maven Integration for Eclipse
  • Mylyn Task List
  • Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
  • Remote System Explorer
  • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
  • org.eclipse.cvs
  • org.eclipse.jdt
  • org.eclipse.platform
  • org.eclipse.pde
  • org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature
  • org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature
  • org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
  • org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature
  • org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
  • org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
  • org.eclipse.egit
  • org.eclipse.egit.import
  • org.eclipse.egit.mylyn
  • org.eclipse.rse
  • org.eclipse.rse.useractions
  • org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.intro
  • org.eclipse.datatools.doc.user
  • org.eclipse.datatools.common.doc.user
  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.doc.user
  • org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.doc.user
  • org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.feature
  • org.eclipse.wst.common.fproj
  • org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature
  • org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature
  • org.eclipse.wst.web_ui.feature
  • org.eclipse.wst.server_adapters.feature
  • org.eclipse.wst.xsl.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.common.fproj.enablement.jdt
  • org.eclipse.jst.server_ui.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.server_adapters.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.server_adapters.ext.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.web_ui.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.enterprise_ui.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.webpageeditor.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.jsf.apache.trinidad.tagsupport.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.common.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.common.eclipselink.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.dbws.eclipselink.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.eclipselink.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.eclipselink.feature
  • org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature
  • org.eclipse.jsf.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.webpageeditor.feature
  • org.eclipse.jst.jsf.apache.trinidad.tagsupport.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.logback.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jaxrs.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jpa.feature
  • org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jsf.feature
  • org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
Download Eclipse Luna For Mac

Maintained by: WTP and the Eclipse Packaging Project

Windows 32-bit | x86_64
macOS 32-bit | x86_64
Linux 32-bit | x86_64

Windows 32-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512
Windows 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512
Mac OS X (Cocoa) 32-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512
Mac OS X (Cocoa) 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512
Linux 32-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512
Linux 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1 - SHA512


Bug IDTitleStatus
509189Setup errorsNEW
507509Adding new CFT feature to JEE package for Neon.2 and OxygenNEW
512008Add Spring toolingNEW
512880Include SpotBugs in Java and Java EE packageNEW
513864Something wrong with Eclipse Neon.2 (4.6.2) when it uses in fedora ( dell xps 15 HD 3840x2160 )NEW
513604Exported app client project is dependent on appclient.batNEW
503463Reopen Update does not workNEW
496632AssertionFailedException in AbstractTextEditor$TextEditorSavableNEW
485788Include Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry (CFT) as part of the JEE PackageNEW
483561Inspect window close when try to resizeNEW
488993Include Memory Analyzer Tools in Java EE packageNEW
492707Upgrading to Mars 4.5.2 fails because of missing itemsNEW
494586Update New JEE Welcome Quicklinks to create JavaEE Web project and JSDT ProjectNEW
515330Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: 'org.eclipse.jface'.NEW
518580JavaEE package not listed on main Oxygen dev builds download pageNEW
544627ITS team has blocked eclipse several operations due to absence of digital signatureNEW
542925Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers 2018-12 R final release disables content assist by default.NEW
550519Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers NEON 4.6 - Maven projectNEW
551096Unable to add the jar files are the options are being disabledNEW
551408Include Wild Web Developer into Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java DevelopersNEW
538811Problem Opening Wizard for an installed pluginNEW
536107Cant Delete projectsNEW
522712Eclipse for JEE does not include PDE extension point schemasNEW
520315Toolbar contatining run,debug and breakpoints missing if customize perspective is used than eclipse oxygen crashes in ubuntu 64bitNEW
533338Not able to load the JAVA EE perspective and not able to see Server option in Neon 4.6.2NEW
533975[Accessibility] issues in Windows 'high contrast' mode.NEW
535551EPP Photon RC2 has duplicate vmargs in eclipse.iniNEW
481601Packages MUST set lower version of featureNEW
472108Problew when try to open EclipseNEW
380080Cannot upgrade to Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
368367Eclipse.exe ICON mismatchNEW
384419[KeyBindings] Can't unbind the ESC key from closing a detached editorNEW
388311JUNO j2ee ide is not starting. throws an error saying to NEW
414369out of heap while building the workspace for most akka projects - fixed with increased heapNEW
389859duplicate Information in the Progress tab appears twiceNEW
363588New 'global debug toolbar' added to jee perspective by defaultNEW
362048eclipse java ee ide update problemNEW
306492The console and the editor cannot display the character exactlyNEW
265948It is not possible to uninstall any component from eclipse bundle (e.g. j2ee)NEW
309935When started Eclipse displays a message: the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared libraryNEW
320614Update of Java EE IDE fails due to missing dependency on MylynNEW
361062Periodic workspace saveNEW
239377Could improve 'how to get source' instructionsNEW
414663IDE fails to load [Mac] after updateNEW
470430Oomph preference recorder causing unexpected resultsNEW
466103M6 downloads available today are invalid packages for OSX. I have tried from different mirrors.NEW
460941dark theme breaks on JEE views and featuresNEW
462517An error has occurred. See error log for more details.NEW
459313Eclipse crashesNEW
459163Update problem - no repository - for Target Management HomeNEW
429321Include Mylyn Builds component in packagesNEW
429371j2ee mavenNEW
441843By default enable 'Refresh using native hooks' and 'Refresh on access'NEW
464007Improve Welcome/About descriptionNEW
367258Duplicate parameters in eclipse.ini fileASSIGNED
498145Bundle-Vendor/Bundle-Name not properly externalizedASSIGNED
471683EGit Error on every Save operation - An internal error occurred during: 'Computing Git status for repository ...'REOPENED
428098'Invalid' message when trying to unzipREOPENED

Bugs listed in italics indicate the bug has been moved to another project.

Bug IDTitleStatus
22661320080410-1900 brokenVERIFIED
276608tm.terminal should not include source, to save spaceVERIFIED
316420use package icon on web pageRESOLVED
323045The MD5 given for this download does not matchRESOLVED
315701webtools/updates site needs to be changedRESOLVED
314969add jsf feature to Java EE IDE packageRESOLVED
312527eclipse-jee-helios-M7-win32 doesn't include the JAX-WS toolRESOLVED
328948EclipseGalileo Hanging frequently.RESOLVED
330867EE package includes PDE indirectly, but should be directRESOLVED
349073'Too many open files' during signing check, while installing more stuffRESOLVED
350150Include m2e as part of this packageRESOLVED
344903Welcome screen has some out-of-place (out dated?) itemsRESOLVED
343270Update JEE package with new Dali Common featuresRESOLVED
333300only 'Generic' displayed in the extension pointRESOLVED
312353restore capability bundlesRESOLVED
311610[Java EE package] Community and JPA links in welcome page goes to a 'Not Found' pageRESOLVED
280566add capabilities (and preferences)RESOLVED
280653Welcome Page: Standard links are not working (Samples, Tutorials, ...)RESOLVED
279201update site list is not correct in packageRESOLVED
278469Runtime-only features should not be installed in an IDERESOLVED
278274improved about box graphicRESOLVED
280654Welcome Page: Standard links are not working (Samples, Tutorials, ...)RESOLVED
280655Welcome Page: Standard links are not working (Samples, Tutorials, ...)RESOLVED
353703Cannot update Eclipse Platform in JEE packageRESOLVED
304451javax.transaction is configured as framework extensionRESOLVED
300913remove references to uncertain capabilities bundlesRESOLVED
280710progress message steps on image textRESOLVED
278204splash progress text should be whiteRESOLVED
387136Include egit as part of Java EE PackageRESOLVED
514206Include EclEmma in JavaEE packageRESOLVED
520600Exit 13RESOLVED
512009Add angularJS toolsRESOLVED
503321Update does not workRESOLVED
500188Virtual Machine IssueRESOLVED
528430m2e to download sources by defaultRESOLVED
533441Hibernate tools crash to read metadata from SQL server 2014 with sqljdbc4.jar and authx64sqljdbc_auth.dllRESOLVED
543563Can't install plugging JautoDocRESOLVED
547647Check for updatesRESOLVED
539339Rename 'Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers' to 'Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java developers'?RESOLVED
537514Regression: Java 10 support missing from WTP Photon 4.8.0RESOLVED
534618[Tips] [Photon] [jee] Include Tip of the DayRESOLVED
496365Not able to download set up eclipse jee juno SR1RESOLVED
493596[Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for JEE packageRESOLVED
413545Kepler Java EE package missing key m2e bundlesRESOLVED
407108ECLIPSE_.RSA in org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar does not match the one from Eclipse Juno SR1 (4.2.1)RESOLVED
398422JEE Package displays git configuration dialog on startupRESOLVED
278158need build to handle about.mappings?RESOLVED
429370Updating EPP Java EE Windows package from Kepler SR1 to SR2 failsRESOLVED
461652Eclipse would not launch, returned exit code=13RESOLVED
487397Chrome V8 debugger is crashing on console outputRESOLVED
492028Add optional chromium Debugger feature to JEE EPP for NeonRESOLVED
478181Include Buildship as part of JavaEE PackageRESOLVED
477914Mars can't connect to Websphere v 8.5.xRESOLVED
469665erro oracle packRESOLVED
363589still seeing some pollution of update sites in Java EE M3RESOLVED
281039the What's new link on the Welcome page does not workRESOLVED
248051Perspective TabRESOLVED
248494IDE for Java EE Developers won't start on 64-bit VistaRESOLVED
247389Why are not all JEE Project upate sites enabled?RESOLVED
242191Ganymede JEE Package dist for MacOSX has old 'Software Updates' componentRESOLVED
239275packages should enable all their primary update sites (by default)RESOLVED
241596Equinox p2 installer failed to install eclipse-java-ganymede-win32.zipRESOLVED
249885Package fails after update because there is no metadata for the launcher.libraryRESOLVED
278157Need build to pickup 'welcome' bundleRESOLVED
260616PROBLEM with Eclipse Ganymede UPDATERESOLVED
264465org.eclipse.pde.p2 feature should be in eclipse-jee-ganymedeRESOLVED
259813Default Eclipse distro cannot upgradeRESOLVED
259686Automatic updates fail.RESOLVED
258581X86_64 release can not be unzip & untar with X86_64 linuxRESOLVED
238280Missing DTP features in initial JEE 3.4 releaseRESOLVED
237652Crashes on startupRESOLVED
231974Ganymede M7 first startup takes several minuts and bundled plugins are not detectedRESOLVED
232269Pre-installed packages are not installed. And cannot be eitherRESOLVED
231078JEE package update to Ganymede M7RESOLVED
227870icu4j jar packaged in the JavaEE install is different from the M6/M6aRESOLVED
227351Need to filter out TPTP features from Mac. distributions.RESOLVED
227711missing program iconRESOLVED
233009JEE package configuration updatesRESOLVED
234533added forgotten feature, EclipseLink Support to JEERESOLVED
237424datatools doc error in JEE packageRESOLVED
237425Warning logged about undefined tm.terminal commandRESOLVED
23742364 bit package opens to Java PerspectiveRESOLVED
235338Weird Small WindowRESOLVED
235089Package is missing 'capabilities'RESOLVED
265912md5 files are 'hard to read'RESOLVED
250523Ganymede hangs when clicking View Error LogRESOLVED
278141No build ID in about dialog of JEE 3.5rc1 packageRESOLVED
276417externailize strings for jee bundleRESOLVED
278142No Capabilities Preference Page in JEE 3.5rc1RESOLVED
275817Eclipse says 'Java EE IDE Package' as application nameRESOLVED
276415Another rev of featureRESOLVED
269915New&Noteworthy for DSDP-TM missing on JEE EPP Ganymede SR2 pageRESOLVED
277394remove pde from jee package or default 'on' capabilties.RESOLVED
277775Some start to product customizationRESOLVED
277863Missing Eclipse Icon under LinuxRESOLVED
275596default workspace is wrong directoryRESOLVED
275389A few language improvements for M7RESOLVED
272947Addition of EclipseLink Galileo bundles to the Java EE packageRESOLVED
271748There is no xsd and xsd.edit feature in the jee Galileo M6 packageRESOLVED
276606DTP features should not include source, to save sizeRESOLVED
278152should not jar up product pluginRESOLVED
274638Problem while installing Eclipse UpdatesRESOLVED
276609jst and wst features should be expandedRESOLVED
275375Unusual exception logged on startupRESOLVED
278145Jee 3.5rc1 has no window iconRESOLVED
306624Error logged on Help > Install due to file:// repositories leaked into packageCLOSED
191557Eclipse Tools for Java Enterprise Development contains too muchCLOSED
277364'eclipse' symlink present in eclipse-SDK download is missing from packageCLOSED
279254Welcome page links don't work without Internet ConnectivityCLOSED
540983why no Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers releases in milestone builds?CLOSED
278154eclipse.ini has wrong splash screenCLOSED
538661Upgrade to Eclipse 2018-09 M3 breaks SQL editor.CLOSED
238541Download page doesn't detect 64 bit linux, and offers 32bit downloadCLOSED
525617Eclipse Build download is failing - servers are downCLOSED
278140Help contents not available in JEE 3.5rc1 packageCLOSED
518583There was an eclipse platform Oxygen RC4a build, but the latest EPP is RC3.CLOSED
468874Unsigned Content warning due to javax.persistence when installing JEE package with eclipse-installerCLOSED
417632Rename JEE packed into 'Web Development ' ?CLOSED
419334Kick PDE out of JEE packageCLOSED
422747add code recommenders to jee packageCLOSED
317003Ganymede-jee-64Bit-Linux-Download brokenCLOSED
385028Java EE package should say it requires a 1.6 JRECLOSED
338601Update JEE package with new Dali feature namesCLOSED
358808EULA for the package does not match the other onesCLOSED
374545javax.transaction plugin is not being loaded.CLOSED
424291Cannot install remote marketplace locationsCLOSED
247698RSE Terminal uses ugly fonts in JEE packageCLOSED
462087The JEE package refer to outdated TM Terminal featuresCLOSED
477947Unable to install SOAP UI PluginCLOSED
312197WebPage Editor don´t recognize EL 2.2 method call with parameterCLOSED
313517Add MPC to the JEE packageCLOSED
459007Eclispe is damn slow.CLOSED
435447NPE in ReadManagerCLOSED
436627Fatal Error starting EclipseCLOSED
436896Unusual URISyntaxException exception in log first time help is indexedCLOSED
486131can't extract eclipseCLOSED

Bugs listed in italics indicate the bug has been moved to another project.

File a Bug on this Package

New and Noteworthy

Eclipse Webtools Project
Eclipse Platform
Eclipse Mylyn
Eclipse Target Management (RSE)

Testing Details

Package Testers
David Williams
Chuck Bridgham
Martin Oberhuber

A fork of this plugin has been donated and merged in the main Eclipse platform repository. Starting from Eclipse Luna, you'll find it preinstalled as the new default dark theme of Eclipse!
You can use this repository to get the latest development version.


Download eclipse luna for mac

Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 Download

  • Eclipse 4.2+


  • Eclipse Marketplace:
    ← Drag this button to your Eclipse workbench to install;
  • Update site:

    Or download this plugin by using Help > Install New Software... and add the update site:

  • Manual:

    Or download moonrise_0.8.9.jar package and put it into your Eclipse dropinsplugins folder;

  • Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;

  • Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little better tabs decoration, install Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme from marketplace or from here and select MoonRise;

  • Rest your eyes ;)

Download Eclipse Luna For Mac

Syntax highlighting scheme:

You can find the one used in the screenshot here:

  • RainbowDrops.epf (most accurate and with wider support for plugins, download and import it with Eclipse built-in Preferences import: File > Import... then select General > Preferences);

  • or RainbowDrops.xml (download and import it with Eclipse Color Theme Plugin);

  • or here;


There are some settings that can be changed only from the Eclipse Preferences window and that override the theme's settings by default:

  • Change the colors for Content Assist:

    Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts then change the colors for Basic > Content Assist background color and Basic > Content Assist foreground color (eg. foreground color: #DDD, background color: #333);

  • Change the colors for Console:

    Go to Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console and modify the colors as you like (eg. Standard Out text color: #DDD, Background color: #333);

  • Change the colors for Javadoc:

    Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts then change the colors for Java > Javadoc view background. Note that the foreground color cannot be changed and depends on system font color.


Blood moon may 26 2021

Download Eclipse Luna For Mac Os

The font of the title of the tabs is differentEnsure that on your machine is installed Segoe Print font then open the downloaded jar package with an archive explorer, open /themes/css/moonrise-ui-standalone.css, search for any occurrencies of font-family property and change its value to Segoe Print (or what ever you prefer), then save/update the jar archive.
The size of the title of the tabs is differentEclipse does not scale it with a DPI-Aware policy. Open the jar package downloaded with a file archiver, open /themes/css/moonrise-ui-standalone.css, search for font-size property and modify its value according to your needs.
The label of the checkboxes has a color difficult to readIt's related to a SWT bug, use a system theme that has lighter font color for buttons.
The text of the buttons has a color difficult to read (MAC-OSX)It's related to a SWT bug, try this 'patched' version if you have this issue (no more needed for v0.8.4+).
After updating the plugin, it isn't loaded as expectedEclipse seems to use some sorts of internal resources caching that don't work always very well. To ensure that it's not an issue related to the new plugin version, create a new workspace and import your projects here, or try with a freshly downloaded Eclipse release.


Currently this theme uses the CSS-SWT engine introduced in the 4.2 version of the Eclipse Platform and should provide a dark style for each GUI widget that can be handled with the last version of the Eclipse SDK. This plugin has been tested with the main Eclipse Development Tool packages on Linux distributions, Windows and OSX and with the following Eclipse releases:

  • Luna (4.4)
  • Kepler (4.3.x)
  • Juno (4.2.x)

It works best with a dark system theme since currently the look of some GUI widgets cannot be overriden directly in Eclipse. The more noticeable issues related to SWT are the ScrollBar widgets, the Table headers/lines and the arrows to fold/unfold contents that cannot be styled. As minor issues there are Button background color on Windows and OSX that cannot be customized (on Windows checkboxes/radio controls do not inherit font color) and some other little bugs related to the CSS engine that makes the customizations harder and unwieldy. Aside from that, the theme currently might not look perfect on each platform, but should be fully useable on all of them. The Eclipse CSS engine is still under improvement.



Download Eclipse Luna For Mac Download

This is open source software, licensed under the Eclipse Public License. See the file COPYING for details.