Lockdown Browser Canvas Download

LockdownBrowserLockdown Browser Canvas Download


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HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND UPDATE RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER In order to take exams in your Canvas course, you will need to download and use Respondus Lockdown Browser, which is a secure browser that will prohibit you from using other programs on your computer while you are taking some tests. Aug 01, 2021 Download and Install LockDown Browser. Go to the Canvas quiz for your course. Click Take the Quiz. Click Download Respondus LockDown Browser (NOTE: you must have administrator access to download and install software) On the Respondus webpage, select Install Now. Open the downloaded folder and complete the installation. Downloading and installing Respondus LockDown Browser. Go to your Canvas course site and click the quiz link. Click Take the Quiz. Click Download Respondus LockDown Browser. This takes you to the Respondus web site. Click Install Now. This will download a.zip archive. Download the LockDown Browser installer package. Locate the installer package. Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor. Lockdown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment in Canvas. Monitor is an additional feature that may be used in conjunction with Lockdown Browser. Monitor requires students use a webcam to record their testing session. Instructors may review Monitor videos following student exams. Testing Services prefers the Lockdown Browser settings be turned off on computer-based tests proctored in their testing centers as it is not compatible with their LanSchool software Downloads Select your operating system below to download the LockDown Browser.

Does Canvas Have A Lockdown Browser

Canvas - 'Respondus LockDown Browser Required' Message Returned

If you are using a Chromebook to take a quiz in your Canvas environment, and get taken to a page that says 'Respondus LockDown Browser Required,' this means one of the following is true:
1) That you might not yet have installed the LockDown Browser Chromebook extension or it's not currently enabled.
a) Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: Chrome://extensions/
b) Locate the LockDown Browser Chrome Extension. If you don't see it listed, it's not installed. You can use your institution's LockDown Browser download URL to install the extension. This URL is typically found on the quiz summary page.
c) Ensure the LockDown Browser for Chromebook extension is enabled (toggled 'on' with the slider all the way to the right.)
d) Once you do all the above, try again to take your exam.
2) Cookies are interfering with the LockDown Browser extension being recognized as installed on your Chromebook. If so, you'll want to clear out all cookies and cache on your Chromebook.
a) Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: Chrome://settings/clearBrowserData
b) Select 'All time' for Time Range
c) Select 'Cookies and other site data,' then click the 'clear data' button.
d) Then attempt your exam again.
If the above doesn't work, clear all site data:
a) Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: chrome://settings/siteData
b) Click the 'Remove All' button to delete all leftover cookies and site data. A pop-up window may appear, asking you to confirm. Click the 'clear all' button in this pop-up.
c) Restart your Chromebook, then log into Canvas, and navigate first to your course, then to 'quizzes' (or relevant module) and try to take your quiz.